English language arts
Simple Character Wheel
Simple character wheel for younger children.
Journalist Skills - Carousel Activities
Four activities which can be used and adapted for any stage to enhance newspaper writing skills. I used these in carousel format with my class but could be used as individual teaching activities for a lesson. The four activities are:
Fact versus Opinion (Cards to accompany from Twinkl or own can be made up)
Active Literacy Stations
Active Literacy stations for Middle/Upper stages practising speech marks, spelling, contractions and dictionary skills.
Connectives Stations
Five carousel activity cards for practising connectives!
Connective chains
Connective butterflies
Connective board game (twinkl linked)
Connective construction
Connective wheel of fortune (twinkl linked)
Missing Person Writing Frame
This is a writing frame for a missing person poster. It can be used to encourage character description using adjectives and similes.
Letter of Complaint Planning Frame
Writing frame for planning a letter of complaint. Features criteria for success.
Recipe Card!
Recipe Card format that could be used to show sequence as a graphic organizer.
Scary Story Planning Frame
A scary story planning frame to help children work on characters and setting. Also to help structure a story with a beginning, middle, build up and change in atmosphere and conclusion.
Journey to another Planet PowerPoint
Powerpoint using pictures to inspire creative writing.
setting, visual, space, planets, description, senses.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Setting
Here is a planning handout and activity handout for creating a new room for Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This activity is to encourage children's writing to become more descriptive especially with the setting. It can also be ta
Haunted House Story Starter- (Writer's Craft)
Story starter for children to continue about a haunted house.
Why the Whales Came - setting task
This is a powerpoint to accompany the novel, Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo. It leads to a discussion on why setting is important to a story.
Message in a Bottle Writing Frame
Writing frame for a message in a bottle letter.
Sea and Seashore, pirates, letters
My Superhero!
A writing frame for children to invent their own superhero and write a descriptive piece about the character.There is also an accompanying planning sheet to get children thinking about ideas for their superhero.
Journey to another Planet Planning Frame
Planning frame to go with Journey to another Planet Powerpoint.
Creative writing, setting, space.
Comic Strip Planning Sheet
This is a planning sheet I created to help children to consider their ideas for a comic strip. It looks at characters and events.
A Guide to Write
Planning sheet for writing a letter to a child in Europe, penpals, letters, Europe,
Questioning template for before, during and after story in shape of thinking head.